#MERN, #customsoftware, #gamechanger

Pooja Points provides a rewards program in Jamaica for prescription spending at pharmacies.
The client needed a robust, easy-to-use web application for their loyalty and rewards program that would help towards increased adoption. The application would have to ensure secure transactions and integrate seamlessly with third-party systems.
Pooja point main img


We developed a scalable web application for the client using NodeJS, Express, NestJS, NextJS, PostgreSQL, typeORM, and TypeScript. Our solution adhered to clean architecture principles and employed the CQRS design pattern. We used OpenAPI for seamless integration of our application with healthcare systems, vendors, and third-party services. We used OpenID to handle authentication, and OAuth with custom roles and permissions for authorisation. The application was hosted on AWS, following the OWASP Application Security Verification Standard to secure sensitive data. Our solution has led to widespread adoption and customer engagement. Millions of reward points have been issued and redeemed since 2019 when Pooja Points launched our application.


Healthcare Integration

Achieved seamless integration with the Daisy Health system, enhancing operational efficiency. 

Custom Reporting

Developed reporting capabilities, tailored to meet the client’s needs, to provide valuable insights into transaction trends and customer engagement patterns—which help administrators and pharmacy partners optimise marketing strategies. 

Retailer Flexibility

Enabled support for different partner categories including pharmacies, other participating vendors, and government agencies—broadening the reach of the program. 

Card Reader Integration

Integrated our application with magnetic strip card readers at participating locations for smooth transactions. 

Agile Development

Utilised an agile approach for rapid, iterative delivery, allowing for adaptability to changing client requirements.

Security Practices

Followed verification practices based on the OWASP Application Security Verification Standard to ensure secure application operations and gain security testing certification.

Key Features

Easy Point Management Functionality

Users can easily view their point balance and transaction history on the web as well as mobile.

Secure OTP Verification

We implemented the Time-based One-Time Password (TOTP) authentication system for secure point redemption.

Thermal Printer Integration

We integrated a thermal printer receipt printing system into our app to enable quick receipt printing.

Functionality for Consolidated Settlements

Our solution auto-generates invoices for pharmacies and other partners to enable consolidated settlements and adjustments.

Lost-card Replacement Handling

Our application handles loss-of-card situations and new card issuance with call centre-based user verification.

Custom Dashboards

We created separate dashboards for administrators, pharmacies, and patients for tailored experiences.

Multi-Domain Access

We designed separate login pages for administrators, pharmacies, and patients on multiple subdomains.

Under the Hood

NodeJS, Express, NestJS, NextJS

Back-end and front-end technologies for robust development

PostgreSQL with TypeORM

 Secure data management and scalability

Handlebars templates

Used for bill printing and email generation

CQRS design pattern

Ensured efficient command and query separation

Clean Architecture

Helped maintainability and scalability

AWS Hosting

Deployed on AWS for reliable performance and scalability

Scheduled Jobs

Automated routine tasks for efficiency

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